St. Michael the Archangel

St. Michael's Women's Guild

Making a difference in our community

Are you being called to serve? Let's be stewards of God's grace together.

Contact us to Join the Guild!


Current President: Kathy Rudolph
Phone: 941-349-4174


The mission of St. Michael's Women's Guild is to bring others into the light of Christ. Through fellowship, faith-focused gatherings and events, and major fundraising activities, the Guild serves others while supporting the parish, and strengthening relationships with God, community, and each other.


 - Faith is the basis for everything we do within the Women's Guild. Our shared love of, obedience to, and relationship with Jesus Christ serves as the building blocks of our organization.

Fellowship - Fellowship is essential in growing in our faith. We are made for fellowship and through faith-filled friendships we help each other to mature in our faith lives.

Service - In Matthew 20:28, Jesus tells us He came to serve, not to be served. When we serve others, we are drawing closer to the Lord and we become Jesus to others.


Join Us:
Join the St. Michael's Women's Guild and be a part of this active group.  Assist us with fundraising activities including various events and raffles, enjoy our monthly luncheons featuring special guest speakers, outings, happy hours and fellowship with other faith-filled women!  Serve the Lord with your sisters in Christ.

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