St. Michael the Archangel

Home Schooling

Question:  Does homeschooling present a problem when it is time for them to receive the sacraments?

Answer:  Homeschooling is legal in all fifty states and like other types of education, has its advantages and its drawbacks. There are many factors to consider, and each family has to decide what the best way to educate its children is. With religious education, many dioceses have a formal policy that outlines procedures and expectations, some of which include more than just academic information. Call the religious education office to find out what they are for your area.

In general, though, an appointment with your parish priest to discuss your situation is the best first step. An opportunity to discuss what is available, what the expectations are for each sacrament, and how you can best prepare your child helps make your time of preparation more effective. The priest can direct you to good catechetical materials, parent information classes, and other choices and possibilities for your child. All parents need to be part of their child's religious education, taking a lead in instilling the values and beliefs of their faith.

Communication and information helps us all to teach and preach the Gospel as Jesus did.


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